Thursday, May 26, 2011

Me, At the End

Wow, this is blog number 36. Our final blog. It's hard to believe that this is the end. It would be a little easier to bare if this was simply the end of this Philosophy class. But this is not just the end of my Philosophy class, this is the end of my senior year, the end of being a Whitney Young student, the end of being a high school student, and pretty much the end of being considered a teen with it's traditional nonchalantness and it's menial and trivial anecdotes, excuses, punishments and freedoms. It is the beginning of being treated and being seen as an adult and while it opens up many freedoms, it shuts out many others. Yes, this is the end, yet it's the beginning, and while I'm scared of the possibility of failure, I have no choice but to try, which is why I'm eager at the same time.

This year has been a big transition for me. I've received some of the biggest challenges that I've ever had in all four of my high school years, I've received some of the worst grades, I've done better than I thought that I could do and worse in some areas. This has been the hardest year for me emotionally, mentally and physically. I'm glad that it's almost over (as far as school goes), but it scares me because I've done horribly in certain areas and it scares me that I might do just as bad in college. I look forward to college simply because it deals with many things that I actually find interesting, but it also has other, less appealing aspects.

In the end, I know that I'll have less distractions and more time in the future to focus on the things that I'll need to focus on. I just hope that this is true. I believe this year has been a big test as to the willingness that I have and the dedication that I possess. I've learned that I am simply motivated, not by a grade, but how interesting I find the course material and how the instructor presents the information. Overall, I'll have to overcome any obstacles that I find challenging in my future if I plan to live a successful life, like I imagine.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Words to the Wise (Phuture Philosophy Student)

You must be a smart individual, looking to one day become wise, if you've decided to take up a philosophy class. It is one of the best classes that any student could take. It's not a very strict class, which I love. It deals more with things that are graspable and not things that seem to be pulled out of thin air. It asks one to look inside of themselves to get a meaning of things, look outside of themselves, and wherever else possible. It has helped me to become a better thinker and overall more open to other ideas.

I have learned to verbally question things. Usually, I just simply go along with things without verbally questioning them, although I'd question them when in my head, I'd just simply go along with them in order to make my life less complicated and calm my thoughts. Now, I've learned to voice my opinions with others to be able to come to a general consensus on the matter. I've been able to communicate my thoughts in a more organized fashion since the beginning of this class.

Philosophy allows for a better understanding of oneself. It doesn't exactly bombard one with beliefs and judgements of another, possibly higher and more powerful individual. It allows them to communicate their thoughts with others and explain them and come to a clear understanding of their own thoughts. In essence, it allows one to better understand their thoughts and to become an individual and not a blind follower. I love my Philosophy class, it has it's own personality due to the amazing people in the class and the personable instructor. I will truly miss my 2010-2011 Philosophy class.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thoughts on Earlier Thinking...

One of the beauties of life is that all things mature. Throughout a lifetime, whether something simply matures physically or emotionally or psychologically, everything always mature. I believe that it's quite astonishing the pace that it occurs in human beings. We begin to grow the minute we are conceived until we reach a point in life where it is unimaginable that we started as a tiny fetus in our mother's (or father in select cases) stomach. While this process may be big and important, it is not the process I care to focus on in this blog entry. I believe that the psychological maturation is far more profound and substantial.

Over the past few years, the manner in which I construct my thoughts has matured and become far more advanced than it has been a few years back. Over the past few years in high school, I've learned to analyze things more thoroughly than usual. While reading some things that were written in grade school thoughts pop into my head: "How did I think that this possibly made any sort of sense? Why was I so angry? Why was I so weird?" Throughout this journey, I've come to see some of the changes that I have made and I can truly say that my whole being has matured. I've become stronger, more relaxed, and overall nicer in my recent years. I believe that there is still more maturing to do and that one day, I might look back at my current thoughts and still question myself, wondering where my head was at the time of writing that piece. I look forward to that day, hopefully I will also be able to call my self a successful young black businessman when that occurs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one... =/

You heard right! Apparently, I'm the crazy one. don't seem very surprised. Why is that? Never mind, I knew I was pretty crazy too. It seems that I'm surrounded by a group of crazy people, yet I stick out the most as being crazy. This is just a normal day at my high school. It seems that everyone there is crazy, but the ones that assume they aren't crazy are some of the craziest ones.

It feels awkward to stick out like a sore thumb at times, doesn't it? It makes it seem as if your thoughts are just totally different from another person, like you're just a totally different person than everyone else.  I've felt as if I was in that situation before and I'm sure that it's been on more than one occasion. It makes you really question your own sanity. You don't really seem as crazy as the individuals around you, but the influence that they have on you make it seem that you are crazy and may be even crazier.

At my school, there seems to be a competition to see who is crazier. Everyone around seems to have some type of issue, but it seems that they mostly have issues when others are around. They have issues when they are with their group of friends that seem to act crazy. They have to act crazier and I feel that it's simply because it's the people that they feel most comfortable with. In the end, everyone is crazy. But, I guess I'm the only one that seems crazy. That means, I'm the craziet.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Together, Once More!

Being with someone is very nice. That feeling that you have when you see them after having gone without seeing them for a while is relieving. The joyous occasion releases all of the pint up aggression, sadness, and your mind just goes blank and all you can think of is how much you missed this person. It can be friends, a loved one, or a family member. The effects are usually just about the same, and more severe or prevalent if it's with a loved one.

During spring break, I had to go a whole week away from my boyfriend. While this isn't really much compared to some other individuals whom see their loved ones a lot less frequently. It would have to be something that I really got used to. I see my boyfriend a few times a week, usually. I usually talk to him every day. But, while he was away in Paris, I talked to him for a few of the days and many times it was only one or two messages in a day. During this time, I got to hang out with my best friend, whom I've been spending less and less time with due to school related work. In the end, I would say that the outcome was acceptable. Although I wasn't able to talk to my boyfriend every single day, I got to see him and hear about his experience after his trip. I enjoyed my time spent with my best friend during the week as well.

I plan on spending much time with everyone once I have more time to allocate to everyone. I love spending time together, with all of my friends.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Being alone can be quite relaxing, peaceful, and any descriptive words that emphasize that sense of tranquility that one feels when they aren't bothered. I enjoy being alone when there are things that I'd like to think about without any disturbances. I also enjoy being alone when I'd like to get work done and the only distraction is the people around me. I enjoy reading when I'm alone because I feel that I can actually concentrate when alone. I can focus on JUST my work and actually get things completed.

It can be hard to find time to be alone. Sometimes, you may have to be around others because they need something from you or you need something from them. Another possibility is that you both have something to do that requires you both to be in the same area. It can also be hard to find a place to be alone. In my house, my parents are usually at home by the time that I arrive home after school, and so is my younger brother. Usually, other individuals in my household like to come home and relax and watch television and converse. While this is fine, it can be a bit taxing on my attention and my patience with that individual.

Also, I've seen first hand during my spring vacation, that being alone can sometimes cause desperation. In my experience, I've been alone and because I was missing someone that wasn't near me, I went into a state or despair. When I was alone, I couldn't help but think of this other person that was halfway across the world and I had no clue what they were doing and I couldn't really communicate with them that often. I eventually began to overcome this feeling,  but initially, the situation was pretty bad for me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Save the Earth! DO THIS!

I wonder if this blog is inspired by Earth Day, which is on the day of the next blog entry.
I don't really acknowledge earth day except that it's my grandmother's birthday.
There are still things that I do on a daily basis to be "earth friendly."
The thing to consider, is that at this point, if there is a way to really save the earth?
Or, can we only slow down the destruction?
I think that if we really try, we can at least prolong the destruction and death of the earth.
With that said, it is reasonable to do whatever is necessary to save the earth.
That can go in the form of stopping many forms of pollution.
It can also take the form of educating the ignorant in many ways.
Educating them so that they can pollute less and know of it's harms.
Also, educate them in general.
As in basic education, the education everyone deserves but don't receive.

To save this earth, I can do MY best to educate others.
I can start by educating my family on the causes and effects of pollution on this earth.
Hopefully, they will spread this acquired knowledge to other individuals.
I can also help to educate others in a general manner through tutoring.
As far as my actions, I can do things such as use less energy and recycle things.
I can also reuse things in a creative way, and encourage others to do the same.

In the end, there are many ways to save this earth.
One can save this earth from pollution, by working at their end and doing what they can do.
Of course this won't stretch to every single person in the world, but it would help.
Another way one can save this earth is by education the less fortunate.
If there continues to be individuals that are "our future" that are less intelligent,
then our earth and our society will dwindle and eventually cease to exist.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Invisibility is a problem that many of us have. The Invisible Man tells the story of a boy growing into a man that realizes that he is invisible. I believe that in this world, any individual person is invisible.A person or idea isn't really recognized until they gather attention and in a way, become BIG. I think, in the big picture, I am also invisible in this world. Invisibility is a tough topic. I can say that what I do doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things, I'll still be unnoticed, but that is not always the case.

In this world, if I plan to succeed, I have to at least be visible in a small way. Meaning, I have to be visible to some of the more important people, people that have climbed up in rank in society. If I don't, I'll be invisible in this world, in a way. If I don't climb up in ranks and I just become a regular worker, one that helps to do the menial tasks that no one really wants to do, I will still be visible. This is simply because I am black, and instead of being just a worker, I will become a statistic.

There seem to be many individuals in this world that have become invisible. This is beyond unfortunate because some of the invisible people have some of the best ideas and opinions on certain topics. I have felt invisible at times, whether it was at school or at home or elsewhere. I don't think that being invisible is a great idea because one person can not run this world alone. We all have to join together to do better for society. This can only be done with a g large amount of visible people, and I plan to be one of them.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A BOOK to Read

Reading... It's one of those things that's fundamental. You learn to read at a very young age, because our society is shaped around reading. Just because you learn to read at such a young age does NOT mean that you'll necessarily enjoy it. I am one of those individuals that didn't really like to read. I still don't like to read a lot, unless it's something that really catches my attention. I enjoy reading books that really take my mind away from my environment and put me into a different world. Many books that I read are actually assigned to me, but I enjoy reading when I have the time.

I have many books that I plan to read. I also have a few books that I'd suggest others to read. I am not sure which of these two topics are supposed to be discussed, so I will talk about both. I recently went to the book store and purchased a book. I have not yet began to read this book, but it definitely seems interesting. I hope that it is able to hold my attention. The book is on the origins and beginning of religion. The book talks about how religion began and I suppose, why it is so popular. The book is entitled "The Gret Transformation: The beginning of our Religious Traditions." I am a slightly religious individual, and I felt that this book would expand my knowledge on the entire subject and open my mind to other religions. I guess when I read it and find out what it's really about, I can give a more complete synopsis.

I was recently caught in Barnes and Noble by a young man that is known around the City of Chicago for his poetry. He saw that I was currently reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X and exclaimed "That there, is a very good book! Everyone should get a chance to read that." I could not agree more. I have read the majority of the book and I feel that it really opens the unknowing readers eyes to what truly happened in Malcolm's lifetime and his many struggles and accomplishments. I would definitely suggest this book to anyone! So, if you have not read it, you should most definitely take a long look.

Friday, March 25, 2011

THAT was THE BEST movie!

The most recent movie that I've seen and enjoyed (from the theater) was called "The Rite." This movie starred a young (soon to be) priest going to the holy land to become more in tune with his holy side and to learn of course. The movie starred, whomever played the young priest, and Anthony Hopkins. The young priest lived in a family that had a tradition of young men becoming preists. The problem was that he wasn't feeling the whole religion thing. He didn't have faith like others had and still, once entering the theologic school, didn't have faith. He was sent to the character that Anthony Hopkins played, who was an exorcist.

When he got there, he didn't believe in all of the exorcism stuff and even after seeing one, he still didn't believe things. He didn't start to believe the whole exorcism deal until after his father died and he received a call from what was his father, or the devil or some evil spirit pretending to be his father. Also, the character that Anthony Hopkins plays also becomes possessed by some demon. It is left up to the young man to exorcise him, which he does and he ultimately finds his faith.

In the end, I was astonished when the credits began to roll and they said that the movie was based off of a true story and that the young man was now a priest somewhere in Chicago. I believe that the movie, in some ways, pushed me to feel more religious and study how things work in this world. I really enjoyed the movie, despite the fact that it seemed a little hard to believe. I feel that the acting was good and it deserves a solid 4 stars, much better than the most recent movie I saw entitled "Red Riding Hood" and not as good as the Harry Potter series that I am totally looking forward to seeing this summer.

Friday, March 18, 2011


The assignment is to do an ART REVIEW. I don't want to focus on some form that others have done before. I want to focus on something that I, MYSELF enjoy as a form of art, no this isn't pornography since that would not be allowed,  now would it? MOVING ON...

This is a painting from an artist that I had to do a project on last year in my art 1 class. His paintings really stuck out to me. I lved how the images in the painting all seemed so smooth. I did a piece that was actually inspired by this piece above. I really enjoyed researching this guy and finding out information on him. Oh, I realized that I never said who HE is. The artist of this piece is named El Greco. I don't believe that was his actual name, but regardless he is still famous. He was also an artchitect and sculptor. I enjoyed viewing his work.

An example of his architecture would be the alterpiece at the Capilla de San Jose. I love that he was able to sculpt things, build things, and paint things. This showed a significant amount of talent. I believe that he was one of the most talented artist of his time. I would have loved to go into architecture specifically, since I really love and enjoy it, but I do not really know any major works. I don't know any major architects either. It seems that this is a topic that I will have to inform myself on.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Do we REALLY have the RIGHT?

We are said to have "Freedom" living here in the United States, but is this really the case? Have you felt limited in your actions and thoughts? I'm pretty sure I have. It seems that you have to have connections in this world to navigate and successfully get through life. I don't really believe in freedom. There just seems to be so much injustice going on in this world, and the people who act out against it are easily silenced or simply discredited. This shows that there is some type of freedom, but it is insignificant when compared to the amount of power that the elite hold.

We have the right to do many things as long as it doesn't harm others. We have the right to small, insignificant things such as the right to have weapons, the freedom of speech, the right to sue someon, etc. But these rights don't amount to much in this world where there is much more going on. There are things happening all around the world, and we just have these measly local rights that don't even get us that far.

With that said, how many rights do you have? Have you examined these rights and actually seen how far you can go with them? I doubt that you have, and in the end, you probably can't get very far with these "rights" that you assume you have. How can we achive stronger rights if we don't band together to achieve this common goal? I hope and pray that one day, we will have rights that are actually more acknowledged. I hope that the word "right" actually has some meaning and that "freedom" actually entales being free in some manner, more than it does today, without recklessness.

Friday, March 4, 2011

McCarthy's Birthday Week?

Okay... So, I'm confused at the reason you get a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK!!! Does that even seem fair? No, it isn't. Anyways, Happy (BELATED) Birthday Mr. Ian McCarthy! I hope that you enjoyed your day with your lovely family.

Birthdays... I wonder who came up with the idea of celebrating birthdays? Did you even celebrate your birthday? I agree with the idea of celebrating the idea that you've made it alive for however many years on this earth. Not to sound pessimistic but, there are MANY things in this world it seems that can kill or harm people. A life is such a precious thing, and it can be destroyed in milliseconds. This is a good reason to celebrate.

Also, the idea of having made some type of accomplishment over the last few years is another good reason to celebrate. If there is something that you've done well and would like to celebrate because of that, then your birthday is the perfect time to do this. What are other reasons to celebrate ones birthday? Would it just be for the fun of celebratig? I would like to know. I would also like to know of fun things to do on ones birthday. Is there anything that is UNIQUE that people can do?

My birthday is coming up in less than a month from the date I'm typing this (going by the date of this post, March 4th, it is in over a month). I hope to enjoy my birthday and have some type of peace, but I'm sure that will not happen. My birthday falls on a weekday, right in the middle of the week, kind of. My birthday is on a tuesday and I happen to have a tennis match that day. This means, I will not get home until late that night at about 7 or 8 at night, if I don't go out afterwards. I will then have to stress myself out over homework that I will more than likely have. This is unfortunate, but I guess it's the life that I've chosen taking 3 AP classes and 3 honors classes and signing up for a sport. In the end, I would like to wish you a Happy (Belated) Birthday, while dropping some things on you to think about. ;) I hope that I can think about those on my birthday as well.

Friday, February 25, 2011

X is Known

I wonder if this X has anything to do with the previous post? If it doesn't, I will treat it like it does. :)

So, this X that marks this spot... The treasure is known? WOW! If it's something GOOD, I hope that I am the only person that knows about it. But, how can I find that out? I don't think there is a way... In my mind, there is no point in going after the treasure now since everyone else knows about it and even if they don't, there is no definite way to find out if they do. So, I supposed I shall move on with my life and put this known X behind me.

Moving on from this X marks the SPOT idea... How is X known? Is X ever really known? X is commonly used for something that is unkown and in the end, you usually can find out what X is. But, what if we had two different ideas of what X means? Is there ever really a way to KNOW that what we know is indeed correct. I don't think there really is, because most things in this world are simply socially accepted. For instance, math and language is a man made concept, meaning they are correct because we SAY they are correct and we associate certain words with objects and certain numbers with amounts of objects. What if this wasn't really known?

But, since this X is known, there is no need to go into more questions and details about X being unknown. Since X is known, we now have peace within our minds and can move on. X is known, congratulations world, we won't go insane.

Friday, February 18, 2011

X Marks the SPOT

X marks the SPOT! What spot does this mark? What type of marker is this MARK? I would like to know the details before I begin to go searching this spot. Do I even get a map? I would like to know the details! Usually, this term is used when there is treasure to be discovered. I would love to find some treasure, but what are the odds of that happening? They are pretty low. Maybe, the X marks another spot. Maybe, it marks a spot in my life that I must reach to discover some sort of treasure.

If this treasure is physical, do you think that someone would have claimed it by now? I would imagine that tons of people would have come to claim the prize, whatever it might be. Once again, on to the whole idea of treasure. I wonder what type of treasure it would be, if it is even treasure. Would it be something that is truly worth going out, searching, and spending however much time on? I would truly hope that is is. An X marks the spot is something that everyone would love. It means that there is something there that may be unordinary, this whole idea of mystery and this word "may" or "maybe." Humans are attracted to things that are not seen or are not obvious. Unless this is a special X that is specifically for me and only me, I believe this treasure may have been sought and captured before my arrival.

Maybe this treasure would be something that is in my future. Some point in life that I have to reach and accomplish some goal in order to open up or reveal something in my life. I would love this type of X. I don't necessarily like things that are untold in my life, but there is no concrete way to tell the future. I would love to at least know that there is an "X marks the spot" in my life, as this means that there may be some type of treasure, which gives me something to look forward to.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Music Makes me LOSE Control!

I really enjoy calming music, but at the same time I love crazy, wild, head banger music. I'm sure I know of artists that many people have not heard and probably wouldn't even like. Those include: Dir En Grey, L'Arc~En~Ciel, Ayumi Hamasaki, Gackt, and a few others. I enjoy listening to Dir En Grey, although a lot of their music is metal. I enjoy listening to L'Arc-En-Ciel simply because they play their instruments very well and they have very smooth voices. Everything falls into play, although I don't know what they're saying... Sticking to artists that are more mainstream, I really enjoy Coldplay and KiD CuDi.

My mild obsession with Coldplay began about, three to four years ago. I was in eighth grade or either a freshman. I began to listen to them and I realized that they were a transition from the old music I'd previously been exposed to. They were another calming band, just like some of the afore mentioned Japanese rock groups, but they were people that I could actually understand. I first started listening to their first album, which is titled Parachutes. I fell in love with this album and I quickly began to listen to other albums of theirs.

Over the summer of 2010, I listend to Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon album almost every day that I went to my tennis camp. I would listen to the songs because they helped me to relax, and they of course had a good rhythm. I loved the songs, and I still currently love them. I enjoy listening to this first Man on the Moon album compared to the most recent one. I believe that Kid Cudi is a pretty good artist that creates songs and lyrics that depict his life and the lives of many others. I think his work definitely deserves some type of credit, for it is good in my eyes.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I KNOW (beyond the shadow of a doubt) That THIS [Here] Means Something

I believe that this post goes far back to the seventh blog post that our Philosophy class was assigned. With this title, I can raise the same question: How Do I Know What I Know? Is there really ANY way that you know that you know something? Is there any way that you know what you see or what you hear has some meaning? Things that you see or hear usually do indeed have meaning. If they didn't, what would be the individual's point in displaying or expressing whatever they expressed?

When I display or express something, I try to make the meaning known in some shape form or fashion. Usually, unless someone makes things blatant, the meaning can be taken several different ways. I enjoy expressing things that can in fact have multiple reasons, but it can confuse people at times and cause them to debate the subject, but I really don't mind.

So, back to the topic. There are some things that you can know, without a shadow of a doubt, they mean something. For instance, there are some things that are just significant. The words that we speak have meaning, and each word has their own power over individuals. For instance, the N Word is a (widely used) word that has a lot of meaning. It has meaning simply because we give it meaning. With this statement, I have come to realize how you KNOW that something has meaning.

How do you know something has meaning? When someone GIVES something meaning, then you know for sure it has meaning. Even if it wasn't originally intended to have meaning, a person can come behind it and give it meaning for themselves and others. If it isn't created to have meaning, it will probably still have meaning to some one person out there. In the end, what makes something have meaning is simply the people judging it.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I like to be unique, so I will talk about food, JUST like everyone else. WHAT is THE ultimate recipe you ask? Well, it has already been discussed that I really enjoy pizza. I also enjoy pasta! Any type of pasta with red sauce and italian-like seasoning and loads of vegetables always does well with me. I love the taste of italian seasoning mixed with fresh tomatoes in spaghetti with wheat noodles.

ANYWAYS...outside of food, although food is awesome, I am going to talk about the ultimate recipe. I'd prefer to talk about the ultimate recipe regarding my life in general. Currently, the ultimate recipe would be for everything to balance out. I love learning, but I don't currently have much inspiration to do class work. I don't really enjoy going to school anymore because it seems as if most of my classes are pointless. I would enjoy a day where I could learn things that I want to learn and go to classes that I wanted to go to and learn that's that I find enjoyable to learn. I would love to go to Economics classes each day, but not Earth Space Science. I would love to read about the things going on around me and read assigned books in my Philosophy class, but not so much my Composition and Language class.

A current ultimate recipe would not include any classes that I do not enjoy, or homework that I do not enjoy. An ultimate recipe would be spending more time with friends and less time doing homework. An ultimate recipe would be the freedom and extended time to do homework. Unfortunately, I can not have my current ultimate recipe. But, I am making another ultimate recipe that will be fully prepared within the next few years.

In college, I plan on having more time to do homework, more freedom (hopefully), and being able to spend more time with my friends and building connections and relationships that are necessary to proceed in this world. My ultimate recipe beyond college is working for one of the big four accounting firms and moving my way up in ranks. I hope to have a lasting relationship and friendships and maybe even a family. My ultimate recipe is to be successful: working, helping others, having friendships and a relationship, and involved in this world in a positive way. Feel free to stand back and watch me as I prepare this lovely Ultimate Recipe. (Feel FREE to help me along the way. All great people in this world have been helped along the way. One great person is ultimately the product of many strong individuals.)

Friday, January 21, 2011


Everyone likes FOOD, messy food, finger food, appetizers, chinese, soul food, you name it and someone out there enjoys it. I don't have a specific type of food that I enjoy, but one thing is for sure. That is that I absolutely LOVE pizza. For that reason, I really enjoy going to Giordanos on those special occasions. It really seems to make my day ten times brighter, although after eating, I will most definitely have stomach issues. Although I most definitely enjoy Giordanos, they get a five star rating from me, I am not reviewing them in this article. The restaurant that I am reviewing is a Thai restaurant that I visited with a former classmate, Michele Garcia, and my boyfriend.

The restaurant that we visited is one of a kind, in my eyes. There are not a lot of restaurants like it downtown, especially in the area that it happens to be located. The restaurant is called Star of Siam, and this was our first time visiting the place.

I am not a big fan of asian food that isn't the traditional American crap that all of the fast food American-Chinese restaurants cook. This was my first time eating something, that wasn't from an asian friend's kitchen, that was more traditional. I ordered some type of beef meal that had none other than beef, I think, and a ton of vegetables. The meal was fabulous and I really enjoyed how fresh the meal was. There was bell peppers, broccoli, and other things that I can't remember all in this one dish served with peanut sauce. I ate and was full by the time that I finished. Everyone else around me did the same. I rate the food a definite five stars for Thai food, although I don't have any other Thai food to compare it to.

As far as the whole aesthetics of the restaurant itself, I would rate it maybe a four and a half to a five. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and how the seats were close to the ground and all. I didn't enjoy that the seats that we sat in did not provide any back support. Over all, I feel that I got my money's worth and that if I were to go back (which I will), I will definitely be getting a seat with a BACK! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dr. Martin Luther King...There's a Day for That?

Can you tell me what day Dr. Martin Luther King Day is? Oh, you say you didn't know that was a day, huh? Well, it is indeed a day that is celebrated on the third Monday of each January in America. This year, 2011, it was celebrated on January 17th, which is two days after his birthday, January 15th. Many people believe that the day that his life is "celebrated" is or was the day he was born, but many years, that is not the case.

It seems to me, as popular as Dr. Martin Luther King is/was, not enough people know about his accomplishments and about him as a person. From the appearance of things, this day is just another of those days that people get out of school or off of work and they don't pay too much attention to the actual significance of the day or of the man that this day is celebrating. I believe that many holidays have actually taken this route in America. Many students don't really care what day they get off, they just eagerly greet the day with optimism, knowing that they can spend their time at home in the bed or hanging out with friends all day.

With this said, I think that when 2012 comes around, I will take the time to learn more about Dr. Martin Luther King and the movement that he was in. I will also pay homage to all of the other individuals that helped in the same movement as Dr. King that do not got paid as much respect: Rosa Parks, W. E. B. Du Bois, Malcolm X, etc.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Shoes Are Smelly

So, I get the privilege of being a shoe, huh? Well, what type of shoe is best? I have no clue to that question. What type of shoe is best for ME? I would have to go with a business man's shoe or an international traveler. There are many things to say about a shoe, so here we go.

First of all, a shoe can tell you a lot about a person. What type of shoe a man wears can give you a lot of insight into their lives and their work. For instance, if a man wears a heavy duty work boot that looks worn out a bit, you might be able to assume that he is a construction worker. If a man wears a nice, professional looking, sleek leather shoe, it may be reasonable to assume that he is going somewhere that causes him to dress up. Maybe, this man holds a "high" job in a major field. This is the reason that I'd love to be a business man's shoe. I would have an air of sophistication. I'd feel important in some way.

A man's shoe ultimately goes many places. In business, it is sometimes required that you travel to many places outside of your office. For instance, my auntie works in business and she is called upon to travel many places around the world: Hong Kong, Paris, California, Atlanta, etc. To be able to see all of these places and to say that you've been there would be amazing. The same goes with an international traveler, which I feel would be even better. An international traveler isn't necessarily traveling for work purposes and therefore may have a lot more fun than a businessman. To be a shoe would be an amazing experience. To see the world from that point of view, would be priceless.