You must be a smart individual, looking to one day become wise, if you've decided to take up a philosophy class. It is one of the best classes that any student could take. It's not a very strict class, which I love. It deals more with things that are graspable and not things that seem to be pulled out of thin air. It asks one to look inside of themselves to get a meaning of things, look outside of themselves, and wherever else possible. It has helped me to become a better thinker and overall more open to other ideas.
I have learned to verbally question things. Usually, I just simply go along with things without verbally questioning them, although I'd question them when in my head, I'd just simply go along with them in order to make my life less complicated and calm my thoughts. Now, I've learned to voice my opinions with others to be able to come to a general consensus on the matter. I've been able to communicate my thoughts in a more organized fashion since the beginning of this class.
Philosophy allows for a better understanding of oneself. It doesn't exactly bombard one with beliefs and judgements of another, possibly higher and more powerful individual. It allows them to communicate their thoughts with others and explain them and come to a clear understanding of their own thoughts. In essence, it allows one to better understand their thoughts and to become an individual and not a blind follower. I love my Philosophy class, it has it's own personality due to the amazing people in the class and the personable instructor. I will truly miss my 2010-2011 Philosophy class.
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