Thursday, May 5, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one... =/

You heard right! Apparently, I'm the crazy one. don't seem very surprised. Why is that? Never mind, I knew I was pretty crazy too. It seems that I'm surrounded by a group of crazy people, yet I stick out the most as being crazy. This is just a normal day at my high school. It seems that everyone there is crazy, but the ones that assume they aren't crazy are some of the craziest ones.

It feels awkward to stick out like a sore thumb at times, doesn't it? It makes it seem as if your thoughts are just totally different from another person, like you're just a totally different person than everyone else.  I've felt as if I was in that situation before and I'm sure that it's been on more than one occasion. It makes you really question your own sanity. You don't really seem as crazy as the individuals around you, but the influence that they have on you make it seem that you are crazy and may be even crazier.

At my school, there seems to be a competition to see who is crazier. Everyone around seems to have some type of issue, but it seems that they mostly have issues when others are around. They have issues when they are with their group of friends that seem to act crazy. They have to act crazier and I feel that it's simply because it's the people that they feel most comfortable with. In the end, everyone is crazy. But, I guess I'm the only one that seems crazy. That means, I'm the craziet.

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