Friday, January 21, 2011


Everyone likes FOOD, messy food, finger food, appetizers, chinese, soul food, you name it and someone out there enjoys it. I don't have a specific type of food that I enjoy, but one thing is for sure. That is that I absolutely LOVE pizza. For that reason, I really enjoy going to Giordanos on those special occasions. It really seems to make my day ten times brighter, although after eating, I will most definitely have stomach issues. Although I most definitely enjoy Giordanos, they get a five star rating from me, I am not reviewing them in this article. The restaurant that I am reviewing is a Thai restaurant that I visited with a former classmate, Michele Garcia, and my boyfriend.

The restaurant that we visited is one of a kind, in my eyes. There are not a lot of restaurants like it downtown, especially in the area that it happens to be located. The restaurant is called Star of Siam, and this was our first time visiting the place.

I am not a big fan of asian food that isn't the traditional American crap that all of the fast food American-Chinese restaurants cook. This was my first time eating something, that wasn't from an asian friend's kitchen, that was more traditional. I ordered some type of beef meal that had none other than beef, I think, and a ton of vegetables. The meal was fabulous and I really enjoyed how fresh the meal was. There was bell peppers, broccoli, and other things that I can't remember all in this one dish served with peanut sauce. I ate and was full by the time that I finished. Everyone else around me did the same. I rate the food a definite five stars for Thai food, although I don't have any other Thai food to compare it to.

As far as the whole aesthetics of the restaurant itself, I would rate it maybe a four and a half to a five. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and how the seats were close to the ground and all. I didn't enjoy that the seats that we sat in did not provide any back support. Over all, I feel that I got my money's worth and that if I were to go back (which I will), I will definitely be getting a seat with a BACK! :)

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