Friday, January 28, 2011


I like to be unique, so I will talk about food, JUST like everyone else. WHAT is THE ultimate recipe you ask? Well, it has already been discussed that I really enjoy pizza. I also enjoy pasta! Any type of pasta with red sauce and italian-like seasoning and loads of vegetables always does well with me. I love the taste of italian seasoning mixed with fresh tomatoes in spaghetti with wheat noodles.

ANYWAYS...outside of food, although food is awesome, I am going to talk about the ultimate recipe. I'd prefer to talk about the ultimate recipe regarding my life in general. Currently, the ultimate recipe would be for everything to balance out. I love learning, but I don't currently have much inspiration to do class work. I don't really enjoy going to school anymore because it seems as if most of my classes are pointless. I would enjoy a day where I could learn things that I want to learn and go to classes that I wanted to go to and learn that's that I find enjoyable to learn. I would love to go to Economics classes each day, but not Earth Space Science. I would love to read about the things going on around me and read assigned books in my Philosophy class, but not so much my Composition and Language class.

A current ultimate recipe would not include any classes that I do not enjoy, or homework that I do not enjoy. An ultimate recipe would be spending more time with friends and less time doing homework. An ultimate recipe would be the freedom and extended time to do homework. Unfortunately, I can not have my current ultimate recipe. But, I am making another ultimate recipe that will be fully prepared within the next few years.

In college, I plan on having more time to do homework, more freedom (hopefully), and being able to spend more time with my friends and building connections and relationships that are necessary to proceed in this world. My ultimate recipe beyond college is working for one of the big four accounting firms and moving my way up in ranks. I hope to have a lasting relationship and friendships and maybe even a family. My ultimate recipe is to be successful: working, helping others, having friendships and a relationship, and involved in this world in a positive way. Feel free to stand back and watch me as I prepare this lovely Ultimate Recipe. (Feel FREE to help me along the way. All great people in this world have been helped along the way. One great person is ultimately the product of many strong individuals.)

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