Thursday, May 26, 2011

Me, At the End

Wow, this is blog number 36. Our final blog. It's hard to believe that this is the end. It would be a little easier to bare if this was simply the end of this Philosophy class. But this is not just the end of my Philosophy class, this is the end of my senior year, the end of being a Whitney Young student, the end of being a high school student, and pretty much the end of being considered a teen with it's traditional nonchalantness and it's menial and trivial anecdotes, excuses, punishments and freedoms. It is the beginning of being treated and being seen as an adult and while it opens up many freedoms, it shuts out many others. Yes, this is the end, yet it's the beginning, and while I'm scared of the possibility of failure, I have no choice but to try, which is why I'm eager at the same time.

This year has been a big transition for me. I've received some of the biggest challenges that I've ever had in all four of my high school years, I've received some of the worst grades, I've done better than I thought that I could do and worse in some areas. This has been the hardest year for me emotionally, mentally and physically. I'm glad that it's almost over (as far as school goes), but it scares me because I've done horribly in certain areas and it scares me that I might do just as bad in college. I look forward to college simply because it deals with many things that I actually find interesting, but it also has other, less appealing aspects.

In the end, I know that I'll have less distractions and more time in the future to focus on the things that I'll need to focus on. I just hope that this is true. I believe this year has been a big test as to the willingness that I have and the dedication that I possess. I've learned that I am simply motivated, not by a grade, but how interesting I find the course material and how the instructor presents the information. Overall, I'll have to overcome any obstacles that I find challenging in my future if I plan to live a successful life, like I imagine.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Words to the Wise (Phuture Philosophy Student)

You must be a smart individual, looking to one day become wise, if you've decided to take up a philosophy class. It is one of the best classes that any student could take. It's not a very strict class, which I love. It deals more with things that are graspable and not things that seem to be pulled out of thin air. It asks one to look inside of themselves to get a meaning of things, look outside of themselves, and wherever else possible. It has helped me to become a better thinker and overall more open to other ideas.

I have learned to verbally question things. Usually, I just simply go along with things without verbally questioning them, although I'd question them when in my head, I'd just simply go along with them in order to make my life less complicated and calm my thoughts. Now, I've learned to voice my opinions with others to be able to come to a general consensus on the matter. I've been able to communicate my thoughts in a more organized fashion since the beginning of this class.

Philosophy allows for a better understanding of oneself. It doesn't exactly bombard one with beliefs and judgements of another, possibly higher and more powerful individual. It allows them to communicate their thoughts with others and explain them and come to a clear understanding of their own thoughts. In essence, it allows one to better understand their thoughts and to become an individual and not a blind follower. I love my Philosophy class, it has it's own personality due to the amazing people in the class and the personable instructor. I will truly miss my 2010-2011 Philosophy class.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thoughts on Earlier Thinking...

One of the beauties of life is that all things mature. Throughout a lifetime, whether something simply matures physically or emotionally or psychologically, everything always mature. I believe that it's quite astonishing the pace that it occurs in human beings. We begin to grow the minute we are conceived until we reach a point in life where it is unimaginable that we started as a tiny fetus in our mother's (or father in select cases) stomach. While this process may be big and important, it is not the process I care to focus on in this blog entry. I believe that the psychological maturation is far more profound and substantial.

Over the past few years, the manner in which I construct my thoughts has matured and become far more advanced than it has been a few years back. Over the past few years in high school, I've learned to analyze things more thoroughly than usual. While reading some things that were written in grade school thoughts pop into my head: "How did I think that this possibly made any sort of sense? Why was I so angry? Why was I so weird?" Throughout this journey, I've come to see some of the changes that I have made and I can truly say that my whole being has matured. I've become stronger, more relaxed, and overall nicer in my recent years. I believe that there is still more maturing to do and that one day, I might look back at my current thoughts and still question myself, wondering where my head was at the time of writing that piece. I look forward to that day, hopefully I will also be able to call my self a successful young black businessman when that occurs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one... =/

You heard right! Apparently, I'm the crazy one. don't seem very surprised. Why is that? Never mind, I knew I was pretty crazy too. It seems that I'm surrounded by a group of crazy people, yet I stick out the most as being crazy. This is just a normal day at my high school. It seems that everyone there is crazy, but the ones that assume they aren't crazy are some of the craziest ones.

It feels awkward to stick out like a sore thumb at times, doesn't it? It makes it seem as if your thoughts are just totally different from another person, like you're just a totally different person than everyone else.  I've felt as if I was in that situation before and I'm sure that it's been on more than one occasion. It makes you really question your own sanity. You don't really seem as crazy as the individuals around you, but the influence that they have on you make it seem that you are crazy and may be even crazier.

At my school, there seems to be a competition to see who is crazier. Everyone around seems to have some type of issue, but it seems that they mostly have issues when others are around. They have issues when they are with their group of friends that seem to act crazy. They have to act crazier and I feel that it's simply because it's the people that they feel most comfortable with. In the end, everyone is crazy. But, I guess I'm the only one that seems crazy. That means, I'm the craziet.