Friday, February 25, 2011

X is Known

I wonder if this X has anything to do with the previous post? If it doesn't, I will treat it like it does. :)

So, this X that marks this spot... The treasure is known? WOW! If it's something GOOD, I hope that I am the only person that knows about it. But, how can I find that out? I don't think there is a way... In my mind, there is no point in going after the treasure now since everyone else knows about it and even if they don't, there is no definite way to find out if they do. So, I supposed I shall move on with my life and put this known X behind me.

Moving on from this X marks the SPOT idea... How is X known? Is X ever really known? X is commonly used for something that is unkown and in the end, you usually can find out what X is. But, what if we had two different ideas of what X means? Is there ever really a way to KNOW that what we know is indeed correct. I don't think there really is, because most things in this world are simply socially accepted. For instance, math and language is a man made concept, meaning they are correct because we SAY they are correct and we associate certain words with objects and certain numbers with amounts of objects. What if this wasn't really known?

But, since this X is known, there is no need to go into more questions and details about X being unknown. Since X is known, we now have peace within our minds and can move on. X is known, congratulations world, we won't go insane.

Friday, February 18, 2011

X Marks the SPOT

X marks the SPOT! What spot does this mark? What type of marker is this MARK? I would like to know the details before I begin to go searching this spot. Do I even get a map? I would like to know the details! Usually, this term is used when there is treasure to be discovered. I would love to find some treasure, but what are the odds of that happening? They are pretty low. Maybe, the X marks another spot. Maybe, it marks a spot in my life that I must reach to discover some sort of treasure.

If this treasure is physical, do you think that someone would have claimed it by now? I would imagine that tons of people would have come to claim the prize, whatever it might be. Once again, on to the whole idea of treasure. I wonder what type of treasure it would be, if it is even treasure. Would it be something that is truly worth going out, searching, and spending however much time on? I would truly hope that is is. An X marks the spot is something that everyone would love. It means that there is something there that may be unordinary, this whole idea of mystery and this word "may" or "maybe." Humans are attracted to things that are not seen or are not obvious. Unless this is a special X that is specifically for me and only me, I believe this treasure may have been sought and captured before my arrival.

Maybe this treasure would be something that is in my future. Some point in life that I have to reach and accomplish some goal in order to open up or reveal something in my life. I would love this type of X. I don't necessarily like things that are untold in my life, but there is no concrete way to tell the future. I would love to at least know that there is an "X marks the spot" in my life, as this means that there may be some type of treasure, which gives me something to look forward to.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Music Makes me LOSE Control!

I really enjoy calming music, but at the same time I love crazy, wild, head banger music. I'm sure I know of artists that many people have not heard and probably wouldn't even like. Those include: Dir En Grey, L'Arc~En~Ciel, Ayumi Hamasaki, Gackt, and a few others. I enjoy listening to Dir En Grey, although a lot of their music is metal. I enjoy listening to L'Arc-En-Ciel simply because they play their instruments very well and they have very smooth voices. Everything falls into play, although I don't know what they're saying... Sticking to artists that are more mainstream, I really enjoy Coldplay and KiD CuDi.

My mild obsession with Coldplay began about, three to four years ago. I was in eighth grade or either a freshman. I began to listen to them and I realized that they were a transition from the old music I'd previously been exposed to. They were another calming band, just like some of the afore mentioned Japanese rock groups, but they were people that I could actually understand. I first started listening to their first album, which is titled Parachutes. I fell in love with this album and I quickly began to listen to other albums of theirs.

Over the summer of 2010, I listend to Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon album almost every day that I went to my tennis camp. I would listen to the songs because they helped me to relax, and they of course had a good rhythm. I loved the songs, and I still currently love them. I enjoy listening to this first Man on the Moon album compared to the most recent one. I believe that Kid Cudi is a pretty good artist that creates songs and lyrics that depict his life and the lives of many others. I think his work definitely deserves some type of credit, for it is good in my eyes.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I KNOW (beyond the shadow of a doubt) That THIS [Here] Means Something

I believe that this post goes far back to the seventh blog post that our Philosophy class was assigned. With this title, I can raise the same question: How Do I Know What I Know? Is there really ANY way that you know that you know something? Is there any way that you know what you see or what you hear has some meaning? Things that you see or hear usually do indeed have meaning. If they didn't, what would be the individual's point in displaying or expressing whatever they expressed?

When I display or express something, I try to make the meaning known in some shape form or fashion. Usually, unless someone makes things blatant, the meaning can be taken several different ways. I enjoy expressing things that can in fact have multiple reasons, but it can confuse people at times and cause them to debate the subject, but I really don't mind.

So, back to the topic. There are some things that you can know, without a shadow of a doubt, they mean something. For instance, there are some things that are just significant. The words that we speak have meaning, and each word has their own power over individuals. For instance, the N Word is a (widely used) word that has a lot of meaning. It has meaning simply because we give it meaning. With this statement, I have come to realize how you KNOW that something has meaning.

How do you know something has meaning? When someone GIVES something meaning, then you know for sure it has meaning. Even if it wasn't originally intended to have meaning, a person can come behind it and give it meaning for themselves and others. If it isn't created to have meaning, it will probably still have meaning to some one person out there. In the end, what makes something have meaning is simply the people judging it.