Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sports In My Life

Sports do not really play a big role in my life. There are many fanatics that will sit in front of a television for hours upon hours watching some game that they more than likely know the outcome to. I find most sports and the whole idea of broadcasting them to be trivial. They have no justification but simply to fulfill our moments of boredom or as a way to distract us from our lives. But it's wrong to simply cast the blame on ONLY sports broadcast, when pretty much everything that is broadcast seems to serve basically the same purpose. I believe that to get a full fulfillment and appreciation of the sport, one has to actively participate in it. But how does one find out about this sport without some sort of television influence now-a-days? Well I'm sure you could simply walk to the nearest park and pick it up somehow. Or read a book about a sport to find out more about it, after all, the television hasn't been around for that many years, so these sports MUST have been passed down in some way or another.

Sports are good. They instill within individuals some sense of knowledge about life. They make people work hard for their goals and things they want to achieve in some cases. There are only a few sports that I really claim. I love to play tennis, and despite my hypocrisy, I LOVE to watch tennis during the summer time when there is nothing better to do other than play the sport myself. The sport has taught me so much and I feel that it has made me a better person. I've become more independent, not that I wasn't pretty independent to begin with. It has taught me when to lead and when to follow. It has taught me how to work with others and team spirit, things that are pretty important later in life.

Sports...can be good if you make them good. If you are just a person that wears a jersey and roots for a team passionately and you get into the whole idea and topic so much that you are willing to fight to back up your idea and prove that YOU and ONLY you are right, then you are exactly the person that increases the ignorance in this world. It makes absolutely no sense to fight over something that is NOT a life or death situation. But for those that have a love and genuine passion of their sport and just love to watch it and play it, but you are not going to physically fight over it, then you are the person I salute for making the sports industry look pretty darn swell.

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