Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter Poetry

To be left alone in my home is all that I wish,
With my body wrapped in warmth from the fire.
A cup of tea, for only me, a good book will do,
and in the end this will satisfy my desires.

I wish that I could say that I'd be stress-free,
but I am in no way a fool.
There is so much to do, in so little time,
So I must simply get off of my butt and do it.

The snow is falling, bringing joy to the city,
while all the kiddies open their presents.
There's sledding, snow angels, even
Snowmen that bring forth the true spirit of the season.

Whilst all of the kiddies enjoy their winter, I
Am stuck in the house feeling slightly bitter.
But all is not bad, though I procrastinated like mad,
In the end, I shall still get things done this winter.

1 comment:

  1. I want a fireplace to sit by, with an unending cup of tea too.
    Let's get together by some fire, ok?
