Thursday, November 4, 2010

classroom direction (north, south, SOUTH EAST, east, west)

The room that my philosophy class is in looks over the west side of the campus. To be more specific, it looks over the street that it is named Laflin. I have spent almost three years in that same classroom, 207. I find it to be a better class this year, not having to do with the teachers that I have had, but totally on the principle of the classes that I've had in the room.

This year, my class in 207 is HONORS Philosophy in Literature (yes, we are indeed fancy). I enjoy this class simply because it isn't cut and paste (in other words, dry); it isn't like most classes where there is a set rubric and you have to follow the textbook. In many literature classes the teacher says, "Well, the author had an intent for this book. They wanted you to think of something specific that it relates to." Well, I am not a history teacher, mind reader, or the author, so I can only guess and I don't tend to get that SPECIFIC answer correct. It seems that I think out of the box at times. This class gives the students an opportunity to read some very intriguing books and discuss them (in philosophical terms) with the teachers and their peers. There doesn't seem to be a right or wrong answer in this class and we can all accept that.

But in reality, while there doesn't seem to be a lot of direction, there is inevitably a great deal of direction. Besides, can you think of anything in life that is fun, enjoyable, and natural that doesn't have some sort of direction? I didn't think so. We are guided to think outside of the box, to look at and face questions that we wouldn't normally dwell upon. For instance "If the world was dry and barren and there were few people left, would you kill and eat a human being?" Who would normally think of this type of question? I would not. In the end, who likes direction when it is blatant and forced upon them? I SURE DON'T!


  1. i agree :)
    ps...does commenting on my own blog count? :)

    (do you guys like my music?)

  2. Dear Phil,
    I love the organic flow of our philosophy class too. It's a new and interesting way to learn information, and I just dig it. It's the perfect class for our senior year, cause we're sick of boring, "dry", textbook classes, can I get an amen?
    p.s. We are fancy.
    p.p.s. I like that you are so influenced by Doh-yun.

  3. My name has no hyphen :[
    I like how I'm an influence too.
