Thursday, October 28, 2010


All around the world there seems to be this competition between the parents. You can't wait to see what word comes out of the child's mouth first. Is it da-da or is it ma-ma? It doesn't really matter the sex of the child, the parent just wants that glory. HA! They recognized ME first.

Throughout life it is seen that the father is usually closest to the male child and the mother is usually closest to the female child. I've always been closer to my mother personally. I feel as if her personality is closer to mine and she is younger so she can understand me and the things I do a bit better. My father on the other hand is still a pretty cool person. I used to participate in some of those classic father-son activities such as going fishing and playing video games. For some reason, sports just never really agreed with me. With my mother I've always talked and went shopping.

My sister and father also have had a pretty decent relationship. They were inseparable when my sister was younger, but as most people know, as time goes on, young people grow more and more distant. I feel that a relationship is a relationship no matter what is consists of. The typical relationship one has with their mother is more warm and kind hearted. The relationship with their father is usually more distant and or filled with less emotional situations. This is only the typical stuff, because the roles can always be reversed. I believe I would be able to handle some of the emotional part of a relationship as well as some of the hard, physical things that fathers deal with. If only I planned on having children...


  1. i agree. in my experience, daughters are typically closer to their fathers and sons are closer to the mother.

  2. i agree with the notion of the parents competinn on who their chil calls first. i to begin with are a lot closer with my mom but because i was raised by her.
