Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do I Know What I Know that I Know I Know…..

Is there any possible way to be one hundred percent sure that you know what you know? You can know what you know…but what you know could be wrong. But if it is wrong, do you still know something? In my opinion, you still know, but what you know is just wrong. Many people feel that if you can’t explain what you know, then you just don’t know it. I disagree seeing as there are many things that I know personally but just can’t seem to put into words.

I know some of the things that I know because I’ve experienced them and the other things just seem like they make sense even without an explanation. On earth we have experienced gravity since birth so we know if we throw something in the air, it will fall back down. So some things are pretty obvious, although we may not know at a young age that it is called gravity, we know that it will fall.

On the other hand, some things we really don’t know that we know. I’ve been in experiences where someone has brought something up or showed me something that is a bit unfamiliar, and I might say “Hey…I knew that.” So I knew it, but I didn’t know that I knew it. Sometimes in these cases we actually did know it before hand, but I learned in psychology that many times we THOUGHT we knew it before hand, but we actually didn’t and it just seems so common, which makes us think we actually did know it.


  1. Ay boo. You made a good point that we don't necessarily have to know the name of something to "know" it. We can be familiar with a concept or idea, but just because we don't know the correct name for it doesn't mean we don't know it. Your example of gravity was spot on.

  2. I agree with you when you say that there are some things we really dont know that we know. The world has an endless amount of info that we can consume, but not too many people will do that so we will just go on enjoying life.

  3. Like you said, I feel the same about what you said that we know some stuff just becuse we do. But at the same time I think that we know it because we might have experienced before

  4. I think the idea of thinking you have known something but actully never did is intriguing. It might because we have an big ego and say "oh yeah, I already knew that." Sometimes I think I know something just on the notion that I probalbly could/should of known it.
