Thursday, November 18, 2010

Charles Bukowski (Dinosauria, We)

In my opinion, it seems that Charles Bukowski has quite a horrific outlook on our future. I totally agree with him because people in this world don’t seem to care enough about how they treat others, other peoples belongings, or the world around them. In the end, these non-caring people are passing down this behavior to their children. The children do not really have a choice on how things are around: their parents, the decaying earth, and the pollution.

The good things is that the new world can try to make a difference if they know how. While my parents have contributed to this dying world’s death, I can help to change things since it isn’t too late currently. In a few years, it will be too late and the world will be similar to how Mr. Bukowski explains it. The idea is to shape and mold today’s generation to teach them better than what their parents where taught. All of these natural things that we take granted for are more than likely not permanent, just like we are not permanent. But with proper care, these things can last a long time.

Basically, the end result for the world if we do not make these changes to became better individuals and live healthier lives, lives that are good for us and our environment, is worldwide death and an uninhabitable earth. An earth that is dark, lonely, and almost lifeless. And the only people that will be able to escape is those people that may not deserve to escape, the rich and lucky ones.

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