Friday, March 25, 2011

THAT was THE BEST movie!

The most recent movie that I've seen and enjoyed (from the theater) was called "The Rite." This movie starred a young (soon to be) priest going to the holy land to become more in tune with his holy side and to learn of course. The movie starred, whomever played the young priest, and Anthony Hopkins. The young priest lived in a family that had a tradition of young men becoming preists. The problem was that he wasn't feeling the whole religion thing. He didn't have faith like others had and still, once entering the theologic school, didn't have faith. He was sent to the character that Anthony Hopkins played, who was an exorcist.

When he got there, he didn't believe in all of the exorcism stuff and even after seeing one, he still didn't believe things. He didn't start to believe the whole exorcism deal until after his father died and he received a call from what was his father, or the devil or some evil spirit pretending to be his father. Also, the character that Anthony Hopkins plays also becomes possessed by some demon. It is left up to the young man to exorcise him, which he does and he ultimately finds his faith.

In the end, I was astonished when the credits began to roll and they said that the movie was based off of a true story and that the young man was now a priest somewhere in Chicago. I believe that the movie, in some ways, pushed me to feel more religious and study how things work in this world. I really enjoyed the movie, despite the fact that it seemed a little hard to believe. I feel that the acting was good and it deserves a solid 4 stars, much better than the most recent movie I saw entitled "Red Riding Hood" and not as good as the Harry Potter series that I am totally looking forward to seeing this summer.

Friday, March 18, 2011


The assignment is to do an ART REVIEW. I don't want to focus on some form that others have done before. I want to focus on something that I, MYSELF enjoy as a form of art, no this isn't pornography since that would not be allowed,  now would it? MOVING ON...

This is a painting from an artist that I had to do a project on last year in my art 1 class. His paintings really stuck out to me. I lved how the images in the painting all seemed so smooth. I did a piece that was actually inspired by this piece above. I really enjoyed researching this guy and finding out information on him. Oh, I realized that I never said who HE is. The artist of this piece is named El Greco. I don't believe that was his actual name, but regardless he is still famous. He was also an artchitect and sculptor. I enjoyed viewing his work.

An example of his architecture would be the alterpiece at the Capilla de San Jose. I love that he was able to sculpt things, build things, and paint things. This showed a significant amount of talent. I believe that he was one of the most talented artist of his time. I would have loved to go into architecture specifically, since I really love and enjoy it, but I do not really know any major works. I don't know any major architects either. It seems that this is a topic that I will have to inform myself on.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Do we REALLY have the RIGHT?

We are said to have "Freedom" living here in the United States, but is this really the case? Have you felt limited in your actions and thoughts? I'm pretty sure I have. It seems that you have to have connections in this world to navigate and successfully get through life. I don't really believe in freedom. There just seems to be so much injustice going on in this world, and the people who act out against it are easily silenced or simply discredited. This shows that there is some type of freedom, but it is insignificant when compared to the amount of power that the elite hold.

We have the right to do many things as long as it doesn't harm others. We have the right to small, insignificant things such as the right to have weapons, the freedom of speech, the right to sue someon, etc. But these rights don't amount to much in this world where there is much more going on. There are things happening all around the world, and we just have these measly local rights that don't even get us that far.

With that said, how many rights do you have? Have you examined these rights and actually seen how far you can go with them? I doubt that you have, and in the end, you probably can't get very far with these "rights" that you assume you have. How can we achive stronger rights if we don't band together to achieve this common goal? I hope and pray that one day, we will have rights that are actually more acknowledged. I hope that the word "right" actually has some meaning and that "freedom" actually entales being free in some manner, more than it does today, without recklessness.

Friday, March 4, 2011

McCarthy's Birthday Week?

Okay... So, I'm confused at the reason you get a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK!!! Does that even seem fair? No, it isn't. Anyways, Happy (BELATED) Birthday Mr. Ian McCarthy! I hope that you enjoyed your day with your lovely family.

Birthdays... I wonder who came up with the idea of celebrating birthdays? Did you even celebrate your birthday? I agree with the idea of celebrating the idea that you've made it alive for however many years on this earth. Not to sound pessimistic but, there are MANY things in this world it seems that can kill or harm people. A life is such a precious thing, and it can be destroyed in milliseconds. This is a good reason to celebrate.

Also, the idea of having made some type of accomplishment over the last few years is another good reason to celebrate. If there is something that you've done well and would like to celebrate because of that, then your birthday is the perfect time to do this. What are other reasons to celebrate ones birthday? Would it just be for the fun of celebratig? I would like to know. I would also like to know of fun things to do on ones birthday. Is there anything that is UNIQUE that people can do?

My birthday is coming up in less than a month from the date I'm typing this (going by the date of this post, March 4th, it is in over a month). I hope to enjoy my birthday and have some type of peace, but I'm sure that will not happen. My birthday falls on a weekday, right in the middle of the week, kind of. My birthday is on a tuesday and I happen to have a tennis match that day. This means, I will not get home until late that night at about 7 or 8 at night, if I don't go out afterwards. I will then have to stress myself out over homework that I will more than likely have. This is unfortunate, but I guess it's the life that I've chosen taking 3 AP classes and 3 honors classes and signing up for a sport. In the end, I would like to wish you a Happy (Belated) Birthday, while dropping some things on you to think about. ;) I hope that I can think about those on my birthday as well.