Thursday, September 23, 2010

Modern SocraPHILL

In my opinion, Dr. Phil would be considered a modern day Socrates. I like Dr. Phil, not only because he has the same first name as me, but also because on his show, although he does it in a sort of mean way at times, he helps individuals better their lives through better decision making. There is no person that I believe is as good as Socrates himself, but people can still influence others in a similar way. Socrates was a master at his craft, that would also explain why he has a method named after himself. He would use this method to question people and  basically cause them to trip over their own thoughts and beliefs when they could no longer sufficiently support them.

Dr. Phil does things in a similar way, but it seems to be more frank. He doesn’t exactly question people as much or let them find out for themselves that they’re wrong. He personally tells them that they are wrong and he tells them why they are wrong. I feel that his approach is a lot harsher than Socrates’. In the end, both have about the same effects, with the person (victim) being interrogated and now having a more open mind.

Both of these characters help others to realize their flaws and gives them the opportunity to change themselves. The difference in my opinion is that Socrates is even wiser than Dr. Phil is. I believe that Dr. Phil also is a bit mean at times when he talks to people using his method, while Socrates is just, calm and collective while he waits to pounce and catch his prey. In the end, the biggest thing is that they both get fair results that help people to change there minds in a positive way.

1 comment:

  1. Socrates was definitely wiser than Dr. Phil. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool guy, but you're right about him just telling people what's wrong with them. He doesn't let them figure out on their own what their flaws are and why they are flaws. I think this method is much less fulfilling, because if you figure out on your own what you want to change, you are much more likely to carry that change through.
